Student Member Join Information


Thank you for taking the time to join NYFB. This brief yet engaging join process helps us to connect with you on a personal level and collectively empowers us to strengthen New York agriculture. The information you provide will enable us to provide you the best member experience and will always be kept confidential.


Student memberships are available for members between 16 and 21 years of age.


4-H and FFA members who are high school juniors and seniors and collegiate students with an agricultural major are eligible for complimentary student membership.


If you have been in the past, or are currently a Farm Bureau member, please do NOT create a new membership. Call our office for assistance at 1-800-342-4143 or sign-in here.


* First Name:  
 Middle Name:  
* Last Name:  
 Date of Birth: MM/DD/YY 
* Address: 
* City: 
* State: 
*  Zip: 
* Please provide at least one phone number, either Business, Home and/or Mobile, i.e. (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
Mobile Phone: 
Home Phone: 
* Email Address:  
* Username: 
 Email address will be your username
* Password: 
* Confirm Password:  
  The password must be at least 7 characters long, and include at least one letter and one number.